Babel means confusion.
In the beginning only one language was spoken. When people wanted to build a tower that reached to heaven, demonstrating standing together, God decided to distribute different language to prevent evil plans to dominate on earth. Result of the confusion still goes on today. Nations are fighting about dominion, religion, land and recourses. In Millennium when Christ reigns for a 1000 years with a iron hand, will there be peace to the end of the age. Genesis 11.
Acts 2. 8 – 13: The Gospel where at first told in different language, which the first Christians newer had learned, it was given to them by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, making it the second time God distributed different language.
Verse 17 same Chapter: In the last days say the Lord, will I pour my Spirit out on all flesh. Your sons and daughter will prophesy and your old men will dream dreams. The Holy Spirit will come on my servants and all believers.
Abraham became the Father of many generations. God shoved his father role to all generations beginning with Abraham. He was not perfect, but he believed, what God said. Thus God was able to carry out important plans for all generations in the future beginning with Abraham.
God called Abraham and Sarah out of Babylon into Canaan. When a drought occurred in the land, they traveled to Egypt. Sarah was an exceptionally beautiful woman, Pharaoh heard about it and called her in to the court. He gave Abraham gift like slaves, oxen, camels and sheep in return. Abraham had asked Sarah to say, she was his sister, in reality she was his half sister.
God sent a terrible plague upon the court of Pharaoh, because of Sarah, with the result that Pharaoh sent for Abraham blaming him for the plague. Abraham and Sarah where thereafter escorted out of the country by Pharaohs soldier with a great wealth of cattle and slaves.
Because of lack of space for the cattle Abraham and Lot decided to split and settle in different direction.
Genesis 13 – 9: Abraham said to Lot, if you go to the right, I will go to the left, if you go to the left, I will go to the right. So Lot lifted his eyes and saw how beautiful the plain of Jordan was, it was before God
destroyed Sodom and Gomorra. So Lot went to the east and Abraham settled in the southern plan of Canaan. King Abimelech of Gerar noticed Sarahs beauty and sent for her. The story repeats itself, Sarah said she was the sister to Abraham. God appeared to Abimelich in a dream and let him understand, he must send Sarah back to Abraham, or he will be a dead man. Abraham is called to Abimelech and set him straight, ones again he receives a lot of gift like cattle and slaves. For Sarah he receives 1000 pieces of gold in compensation and he can settled in the land, as he wishes.
God changed had their names from Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah.
He had promised Abraham to make him a father of many nations, but until then they had not had a son, because Sarah was barren. She suggested to Abraham to go in to her slave girl Hagar, so that in this way the promise may be fulfilled. The result was Ismael who became the father to all Muslims.
God does not appear again to Abraham before after 12 years. At that time Abraham was still living in the Grove of Mamre in the southern Canaan. The Lord with 2 angels visited Abraham and told him, that Sarah would have a son in a year. Sarah still barren and 90 years old and Abraham 99 years, she had to laugh when she heard it. God waited that long, that it became obvious, that it was a miracle to get a child in old age.
Genesis chapter 19: As the Lord was about to depart, he announced the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, only Lot and his daughters were saved. Those 2 cities where very rich, because they possessed a strong glue or a kind of cement which were used for buildings. It was sold all over Asia making the countries rich.
The people lived according to their desires, the bible tells us, they also practice homosexuality’s, if we change something God has created for good, it becomes a sin. When people after many warnings still resisted God, then he does not protect them from an overdoses, for afterwards to judge them to prevent evil to continue.
Sodom and Gomorra can today be seen near the Dead See. Most tourist buses drive past without mentioning the place. It is a large place covered with only aches. Not a green leaf is seen anywhere, everything has melted with an extreme high heat in a very short time. Science has proved, that it is so. Some wall buildings of ashes still stand as a witness to what happen long ago. It is an indescribable sight that does not evoke very good feelings.
After Isaac was born, it became obvious, that Hagar and Ismael where jealous of Isaac. Of course it is understandable, but they should have understood, that it was not possible for them to do anything about it, and that it was the will of God almighty. The jealousy between Christians and Muslims, can still be felt in the world today, special in the Middle East.
Hagar and Ismael where sent away, but God promised Abraham to bless Ismael also, because he is his son. Hagar came from Egypt, she represent foreign gods. The descendants of Ismael developed into the Muslim religion.
Why do God allow the Ismael people to oppose the Christian faith as we se it today, why do he allow evil to prosper for a time? The Word of God tells us, that there will be testing in believers life.
By studying the book of the Chronicles, it becomes clear, that God for a time uses the enemy to judge or test people to give them a change to come back to himself. Anyone who seeks God will find him in the end.