Christ covenant

Malachi – My messenger.

It is suggested, that Malaci may have been written in the second period of Nehemiahs term as governor, according to given historical timing.

At that point the Jewish people had started to move back to Israel, after their exiles in the Babylonian empire.

Prophets like Haggai and Zechariah had prophesied their return.

Governor Zerubbabel had finished the temple.

With Ezra the priest 1000 of Jews followed.

King Artaxerxes of Persia encouraged Ezra to develop temple worship, and to make sure that the law of Moses was being obeyed.

The same Persian king permitted later, his cupbearer Nehemiah, to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.    

From the time the Jewish people started to move back to the promised land, and to the birth of Christ, approximately 400 years past. They are also called the silent years.

During that time, 4 empire arose and fall as shown in:

Daniel chapter 2 – Nebuchadnezzers  dream – the image.

Daniel interpreted the symbolic image, with its strong and decreasing power, in the right order.

They fit correctly to – the Persian period – the Hellenistic period – the Hasmonien period and the Roman period.

In that time a social development – Judaism took place.

The Jews had been living outside the promised land,  and where cut of from the temple and the ceremonies. Their faith where threatened by pagan religious practices.

They surveyed by hanging on to the study of the Thora by the priest in the synagogue.

Malachi was sent as a messenger, which is also the interpretation of his name, in a time like this, to warn the people of their mistake.

Chapter 1: Starts as a dialog between God and the people.

God is really concerned, and strong warning is given.

Verse 10: I am not pleased with you: Says the lord.

He goes on to say: My name will be great among the nations.

 God is here seeing his Son as an perfect offering, replacing all sacrificial offerings.

He also sees the birth of the church, and nations coming to the saving knowledge of Christ.

God knew ahead that nobody, Jews and gentiles, could keep the commandments, but for righteousness to be established, there had to be an universal law.

Where there is no law, sin can not be judged.

Hebrew chapter 9 – teaches us about the old and new Testament or Covenant.

Chapter 2 verse 3: God rebuke the people and their offspring strongly, because he is worried about the Levitical covenant.

Verse 4: Then you will know, that I have sent this commandment to you, that my covenant with the Levits my continue says the Lord of Host.

There are different covenant given to different people like the covenant with Abraham and David,

but there is only one priestly covenant.

Out of Israels 12 tribes, only one was chosen to serve as priest, the Levites.

It was in Gods perfect plan, that all 12 tribes should serve as a royal priesthood, but something changed it.

God does not want to loss that only one also, before the coming of Christ.

Exodus chapter 32: Moses had gone up on the mountain, and he did not return for 40 days.

The people with the help of Aaron made a golden calf and started to worship it, forgetting for a moment, all the wonders that God had done for them, during their exodus from Egypt. 

When Moses came down from the mountain and saw what the people had done, he got very angry, he broke the tablets and destroyed the golden calf, grained the gold, and commanded the people to drink it.

Verse 26: Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said: Whoever is for the Lord come to me. All the sons of Levi gathered to him.

Something like a revolt happen inside the camp, and 3000 people died. It was a great los for Moses, who repeated the 40 days on the mountain, and pleaded with God to forgive the peoples sin.

The tables and the covenant were renewed, but God ceased to follow the people, instead he sent his angels to watch over them. 

Verse 34: God answers: My angel shall go before you, nevertheless I will punish their sins.

Verse 10: God even considered to destroy all of them, and start all over again with Moses.

Malaci chapter 3 verse 3: God talks about purification of the sons of Levi through the messenger of the covenant, which is Jesus Christ himself: He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they my present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.

A very interesting messages. Silver is known to purify the blood as well as gold is, in medical terms.

Looking at the book of Revelation chapter 4: A scene in heaven is described – worship of the creator.

My personal conviction: The crystal see is purified people and the church – represented by the 24 elders.

Clear crystal is faultless –  a see, is a biblical term for many people. The mystery of resurrection before Christ return, is described in: 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 50.  

 Behold I tell you a mysteri, we will not all sleep, but we will be changed, in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperisable, and we will be changed.

Chapter 3 verse 17 and 18: They will be mine: Says the Lord of host, on the day I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them, as a man spare his own son, who serves him.

 Future – End-time.  

Chapter 4: Verse 1: The day is coming like the burning of a furnace.

Verse 2: For you who fear my name, the son of righteousness will arise with healings in his wings.

New Testaments believers should be filled with the spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit communicate with our spirit and guide us through life.

Jesus said:  As he is in the Father so are we in him. That means: We accept him into our spirit. That same Spirit confirms with our spirit, that we belong to Christ.

John chapter 3 verse 5: Jesus said: No one comes into the kingdom of God, unless he is born again.

All this is recorded in the gospels and the apostles teachings. It is for the same reason, Christ died on the cross, so that after he had suffered for our sins, he sent the the teacher the Holy Spirit, the comforter as he promised, which is the Spirit of Christ.

Malachi – My messenger.

It is suggested, that Malaci may have been written in the second period of Nehemiahs term as governor, according to given historical timing.

At that point the Jewish people had started to move back to Israel, after their exiles in the Babylonian empire.

Prophets like Haggai and Zechariah had prophesied their return.

Governor Zerubbabel had finished the temple.

With Ezra the priest 1000 of Jews followed.

King Artaxerxes of Persia encouraged Ezra to develop temple worship, and to make sure that the law of Moses was being obeyed.

The same Persian king permitted later, his cupbearer Nehemiah, to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.    

From the time the Jewish people started to move back to the promised land, and to the birth of Christ, approximately 400 years past. They are also called the silent years.

During that time, 4 empire arose and fall as shown in:

Daniel chapter 2 – Nebuchadnezzers  dream – the image.

Daniel interpreted the symbolic image, with its strong and decreasing power, in the right order.

They fit correctly to – the Persian period – the Hellenistic period – the Hasmonien period and the Roman period.

In that time a social development – Judaism took place.

The Jews had been living outside the promised land,  and where cut of from the temple and the ceremonies. Their faith where threatened by pagan religious practices.

They surveyed by hanging on to the study of the Thora by the priest in the synagogue.

Malachi was sent as a messenger, which is also the interpretation of his name, in a time like this, to warn the people of their mistake.

Chapter 1: Starts as a dialog between God and the people.

God is really concerned, and strong warning is given.

Verse 10: I am not pleased with you: Says the lord.

He goes on to say: My name will be great among the nations.

 God is here seeing his Son as an perfect offering, replacing all sacrificial offerings.

He also sees the birth of the church, and nations coming to the saving knowledge of Christ.

God knew ahead that nobody, Jews and gentiles, could keep the commandments, but for righteousness to be established, there had to be an universal law.

Where there is no law, sin can not be judged.

Hebrew chapter 9 – teaches us about the old and new Testament or Covenant.

Chapter 2 verse 3: God rebuke the people and their offspring strongly, because he is worried about the Levitical covenant.

Verse 4: Then you will know, that I have sent this commandment to you, that my covenant with the Levits my continue says the Lord of Host.

There are different covenant given to different people like the covenant with Abraham and David,

but there is only one priestly covenant.

Out of Israels 12 tribes, only one was chosen to serve as priest, the Levites.

It was in Gods perfect plan, that all 12 tribes should serve as a royal priesthood, but something changed it.

God does not want to loss that only one also, before the coming of Christ.

Exodus chapter 32: Moses had gone up on the mountain, and he did not return for 40 days.

The people with the help of Aaron made a golden calf and started to worship it, forgetting for a moment, all the wonders that God had done for them, during their exodus from Egypt. 

When Moses came down from the mountain and saw what the people had done, he got very angry, he broke the tablets and destroyed the golden calf, grained the gold, and commanded the people to drink it.

Verse 26: Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said: Whoever is for the Lord come to me. All the sons of Levi gathered to him.

Something like a revolt happen inside the camp, and 3000 people died. It was a great los for Moses, who repeated the 40 days on the mountain, and pleaded with God to forgive the peoples sin.

The tables and the covenant were renewed, but God ceased to follow the people, instead he sent his angels to watch over them. 

Verse 34: God answers: My angel shall go before you, nevertheless I will punish their sins.

Verse 10: God even considered to destroy all of them, and start all over again with Moses.

Malaci chapter 3 verse 3: God talks about purification of the sons of Levi through the messenger of the covenant, which is Jesus Christ himself: He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they my present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.

A very interesting messages. Silver is known to purify the blood as well as gold is, in medical terms.

Looking at the book of Revelation chapter 4: A scene in heaven is described – worship of the creator.

My personal conviction: The crystal see is purified people and the church – represented by the 24 elders.

Clear crystal is faultless –  a see, is a biblical term for many people. The mystery of resurrection before Christ return, is described in: 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 50.  

 Behold I tell you a mysteri, we will not all sleep, but we will be changed, in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperisable, and we will be changed.

Chapter 3 verse 17 and 18: They will be mine: Says the Lord of host, on the day I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them, as a man spare his own son, who serves him.

 Future – End-time.  

Chapter 4: Verse 1: The day is coming like the burning of a furnace.

Verse 2: For you who fear my name, the son of righteousness will arise with healings in his wings.

New Testaments believers should be filled with the spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit communicate with our spirit and guide us through life.

Jesus said:  As he is in the Father so are we in him. That means: We accept him into our spirit. That same Spirit confirms with our spirit, that we belong to Christ.

John chapter 3 verse 5: Jesus said: No one comes into the kingdom of God, unless he is born again.

All this is recorded in the gospels and the apostles teachings. It is for the same reason, Christ died on the cross, so that after he had suffered for our sins, he sent the the teacher the Holy Spirit, the comforter as he promised, which is the Spirit of Christ.