Hosea lived in the eight century in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezikiah.
He must have prophesied at least for 38 years, thought almost nothing written is known about him. He was the only prophet to come from the northern kingdom Israel, and his prophesy is primarily directed to that kingdom. The southern kingdom was the kingdom of Judah. The division of those kingdoms happens after the death of king Salomon
God saves, in spite of our unfaithfulness, because of his love and compassion. Hosea lived so to say the prophesy for the eyes of the people, as he was instructed, because the Holy Spirit was only given to prophets and kings in the Old Testament time.
Today God still uses symbols. We are given the gift after the crucifixion, of the Holy Spirit, to interpret dreams and visions. Beside that, we have the Word to instruct and teach us throughout life.
Hosea lived in the eight century in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezikiah.
He must have prophesied at least for 38 years, thought almost nothing written is known about him. He was the only prophet to come from the northern kingdom Israel, and his prophesy is primarily directed to that kingdom. The southern kingdom was the kingdom of Judah. The division of those kingdoms happens after the death of king Salomon
God saves, in spite of our unfaithfulness, because of his love and compassion. Hosea lived so to say the prophesy for the eyes of the people, as he was instructed, because the Holy Spirit was only given to prophets and kings in the Old Testament time.
Today God still uses symbols. We are given the gift after the crucifixion, of the Holy Spirit, to interpret dreams and visions. Beside that, we have the Word to instruct and teach us throughout life.
Verse 3: Hosea took Gomer, a harlot, to his wife and she conceived and bore him a son. The Lord said: Name him Jezreel, for I am going to punish the house of Jehu for the bloodshed of Jezreel, and I will put an end to the house of Israel.
Verse 6: Gomer conceived again and bore a daughter. The lord said: Name her Lo-ruhamah, for I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that I would ever forgive them again.
Verse 8: When she had weaned Lo-ruhamah, she conceived again and bore a son.
Verse 9: The Lord said: Name him Loammi, for you are not my people, and I am not your God.
God is pronouncing judgment as trouble and lost fellowship.
The king as well as the people ignored Gods statues.
Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 10: When you have eaten
and are satisfied, you shall bless the lord your God for the good land, he has given you.
Verse 19: If you forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today, that you will surely perish.
New Testament 2 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 5: We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the knowledge of God.
By ignoring God, mankind become critical depressed and demonized. In spite of rejection towards God, he does not give up on his people but follow them through the pat of sin into restored fellowship. Also today in New Testament time, God also give time and opportunity to repent and turn to him.
Christ paid the price on the cross for both covenant the old and the new.
Chapter 2 verse 8: She, Israel, does not know, that is was I who gave her grain, new vine and oil silver and gold which they used for Baal.
Verse 9:Therefor I will take back my grain at harvest time and the new vine in my season. I will also take back my wool and my flax.
Verse 13: I will punish her for the days of Baal, where she used to offer sacrifice to them.
She adorned herself with jewelry and followed her lovers.
Today – it could be compared to choose the pleasure of life, forgetting about God and take all honor to self.
Revelation chapter 3 verse 15: Message to the Laodicia church. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot.
Verse 16: Because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth.
Verse 20: Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hear my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him.
Chapter 2 verse 14: I will lure her Israel into the wilderness and speak kindly to her.
Verse 19: I will take you to me in righteousness and justice, and in loving kindness and compassion.
Here we see the mercy of God. As it was before it is now. If we would acknowledge God and praise him for his goodness and love towards us, many a disaster would not happen.
Chapter 3 verse 1: It is hard to understand, but Hosea is actually instructed to marry a second time. He bought another wife for 15 shekel of silver and one homer and a half of barley.
Verse 3: Hosea:You shall stay with me many days and you shall not play the harlot or have a man, and remain for many days without a king and sacrifice or an ephod.
The second marriage symbolizes Israel – because she is married, God has not given up on her.
Chapter 4 – all the sin in the country is listed, almost everything possible for mankind at that time. Also the beast of the field, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, suffers when man sin.
Verse 6: God: My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge.
Chapter 6: God, through Hosea, starts to talk about Ephraim and Judah: Verse 4:What shall I do with you Ephraim, and what shall I do with you Judah.
Those two countries symbolize two nations, or two children, whom God does not know what to do with except to discipline them to repentance in order to bring them back.
Chapter 7: Ephraim mix herself with the nations.
Verse 14: they do not cry to me from their heart.
Out of Judah a king Jesus Christ will arise after the covenant God gave to David. Ephraim therefor symbolizes the nations.
It is here we see the problems God have with mankind, and why a king from above had to pay the price for wickedness in order to save all.
Chapter 8: Israel reaps the whirlwind.
Chapter 9: Ephraim punished.
God also deals with the sins of the nations.
God is speaking symbolic to the nations and at the same time correcting Israel. It takes inside bible knowledge in the word of God, to understand what the Holy Spirit speaks through an old time prophet. Because of the many symbols many people simply reject the Old Testament, and thereby causing defusing over the written word.
Chapter 10 verse 12: Sow with a view of righteousness. Reap in accordance with kindness. Break up your fallow ground. For it is time to seek the lord, until he comes to rain righteousness on you.
At some point they start to listen to what God says to them through the mouth of Hosea.
Chapter 11 verse 1: When Israel was a youth, I loved him, out of Egypt I called my son.
Verse 8: How can I give up on you Ephraim.
How can I surrender you O Israel.
Chapter 12 verse 10: I have spoken through the prophets, I gave numerous visions and through the prophet I gave parables.
Chapter 13 verse 11: I gave you a king in my anger, and toke him away in my wrath. Thereby rejecting God himself as their king. Referring to king Salomon.
God is actual morning over his people. He has a true Father heart that loves and disciplines, as a parent would do, but God did not forgot his two children.
In 1948 Israel was brought back and established.
In the 1950 revival started to come back worldwide.
To edify the church, God called evangelist, pastors, teachers, prophets and apostles back to strengthen the believers.
What will be the last wave before the return of Christ as king? Doubles good and bad things will happen, as prophesied. Good and evil will clash in the world, and it becomes difficult to discern. The word teaches and gives understanding also in times as this to the believers.