
There are significant important truths in the book of Leviticus, which symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus and explain, why we celebrate the different feast commanded in Leviticus.

The commandments were given to Moses on mount Sinai, so that he could pass them on to the people. God thereby drove a pattern, for his son to fulfill later on in history. If we had not received that pattern, we might not fully have understood, why Jesus had to come as the offer lam. God explains with the many commandments, that he makes a bridge between death and eternal life and that he himself is the bridge. The Gospel of John makes it clear, that Jesus is God, he is one in three, as we are soul, spirit and body.


Each sacrifice and commandment symbolizes important rules between Jesus Christ and us. The main team is, we must be holy, because God is holy. God is meet in the Holy of Holies and the various rules and commandment shows the way.


The altar represents Jesus Christ.

The first 17 chapters of Leviticus describe various sacrifices, which had to be followed to the letter.


The grain offering– chapter 6 – 14 should be unleavened, seasoned with salt and baked with oil as a reminder of Gods covenant with the people.


The burnt offering– chapter 6 verse 8 when an animal was sacrificed, it had to be male, one year old and without blemish. The person had to put his hand on the head and kill it.


The animal became a substitute for the person concerned. The blood was sprinkled around the altar at the entrance to the Tabernacle.

It alludes to the crucifixion.

The skin of the animal belonged to the priest, that signifies the second coming of Christ, when our body will be made immortal with a new body and we will be like Christ in the resurrection at his second coming.


Sin offering – chapter 6 verse 24 the sacrifice was only for the priest and his sons. The pot where to be broken afterwards or washed if it could not be broken. The blood had to be burned with fire.

The purpose was to eliminate sin forever.


Trespass offering – chapter 7 an animal was killed and eaten by the priest and his sons together with the grain offering. The priest also received the skin.

Only the priest, representing Christ, was to take the skin for himself representing the resurrection.



The peace offering– chapter 7 verse 11 the same rule is applied as for the burnt offering. It is an offering for thanksgiving.

The Lord has accepted the person and is at peace with him.


Sin offering consist of grain and must not be mixed with oil or spices.

It symbolizes the Lords attitude to sin. The person is forgiven,

TheLord is not pleased with the smell.


Sin offeringsunintentionally– chapter 4 verse 24 can consist of animals or pigeons, but it must be a female animal. A few things like kidneys and fat from the entrails are burned on the altar. The skin, flesh, head, legs and intestines must be burned outside the camp.

It symbolizes sin that comes to nothing.


A guilt offering– is always a first class ram valued by the priest according to the severity of the guilt. If money is involved, then it is done according to the rules.


Sacrifice – with the sacrifice goes a cake mixed with oil and a loaf of bread baked with yeast. God is receiving thanks from the people, symbolized by the bread backed with east.


Common to all sacrifices – they must be burned and eaten to exact commandment on the same day by the priest.

Votive offering – something can be left for the next day but not for the third.


Blood must not be eaten- the commandment also applies for the New Testament, because life is in the blood. Acts 15 -20.

There is scientific evidence, that certain components in the blood do not die, Gods word is always right.

We can only partake of the Holy Spirit, when the blood of Jesus covers our soul and spirit.


Romans chapter 12 verse 1-2:We bring to God our body as a holy living sacrifice, which became possible through Jesus Christ.

Today we take the sacrament, as a remembrance of what was accomplished on the cross. We do not need to follow the commandments.


Colossians chapter 2 verse 16-17. Therefor do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival

New Moon or a Sabbath day. These are only a shadow of the things that were to come. The reality is found in Christ.

In this way God shows humanity the price for sin, which he himself toke upon him, and thereby confirming the importance of committing our life to his good will. God has a plan for every human being.


The Sabbath- was installed asa day of rest.God also rested on the seven day in the creation of the world and said every thing is good.


The Passover– chapter 23 -4 is celebrated asEaster.

Resembling people coming out of bondage and slavery in Egypt by the Lords strong hand with signs and wonder under the leadership of Moses.


The feast of First-fruits– chapter 23 – 9  Christ is resurrected.

A sheaf of the first grain of the harvest was brought to the priest, he were to wave it to the Lord. A lamb without defect and one year old were to be sacrificed on the same day together with a grain offering of two tenths of an ephah of fine flower mixed with oil.

An offering made by fire to the Lord a pleasing aroma, symbolizing Christ resurrection. Christ was the first to enter heaven bodily.


The feast of the weeks chapter 23 – 15 the feast ofPentecost.

It was a very important feast with many offerings and rules.


The Trumpets chapter 23 – verse 23 is a feast for the Trumpets.

The trumpets had a sudden meaning, according to how it was blown.

The tenth day after the feast of the trumpets, a day of Atonement were to be observed, or a day of preparation for he feast of the Tabernacle.


The Tabernacles chapter 23 verse 33 is a feast for 7 days and big feast for the Jewish people even today. It is celebrated on the 15 day of the 7 months. The first and the last day of the feast is a Sabbath rest. Different offerings and vows together with gift were done then. They were also supposed to dwell in booths to keep in remembrance the time the Lord brought them out of slavery in Egypt.


God has hereby given universal rules on how the world is judged. Thy where to be kept until the resurrection of Christ for our salvation.

Neglecting the grace for redemption, means to be judged according to the rules. The rules are therefor still valued today.

We all have a conscience for good and evil, God will judge, regardless of weather the Gospel has been heard or not, according to the preaching of the apostle Paulus in the book of Romans.