Moses and numbers in the Bible.
The Revelation Chapter 1 verse 8. I am Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, he who is, who was and who is to come the Almighty. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and begins with the letter Alpha and ends with the 22nd letter Omega.
Each letter has a number, from which the value of the word is judged. The first 10 letters are numbered up to 10.
Then the next 10 have the numbers from 10 to 100.
That is, 10-20-30 etc.
The last 2 letters have the numbers 200 and 400.
The New Testament is written in Greek has the same system, it begins with Alpha but ends with the 24 letter Omega. Therefore, the numerical value comes to 800. That is, 200-400-600-800. Each word also has a numerical value.
Moses was born in the year 2647 before Christ The numerical value of the 10 plagues in Exodus is a total of 2647 in numerical value, the same number as the year of Moses‘ birth. So the 10 plagues are stored in the year of Moses‘ birth.
The 10 plagues precede the deliverance of the people in Egypt. Moses died after wandering 40 years in the desert with the people.
During that time, God gave the commandments to Moses by speaking directly to him. Moses then taught the people the commandments. After the death of Moses, Joshua led the people into the promised land of Canaan, were they lived 1495 years.
The total value of the Hebrew alphabet is 1495, the same number as the years the people lived according to the commandments in the land of Canaan. The commandments stand symbolically for their Torah.
The year of Moses‘ birth is 2647. The people lived according to the commandments for 1497 years. Moses lived 120 years, to which 1 year is added, since they start with time 0. Altogether it makes 4263 years. It is the year Jesus died and rose again. God is perfect.
The commandments were initially given to the people of Israel to prove to them, that they could not keep them and that their Messiah had to come to save them.
Are such signs and many others in the Bible, not proof that God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.