1 Chronicles chapter 1 – 9: Israel was divided, after the death of king Salomon, into the northern and southern kingdom because king Salomon disobeyed God in the later part of his life. The kingdom of Judah continued in the line of David, as God had promised him, but it was often at war with the northern kingdom. They’re where exactly 20 kings in the northern and 20 kings southern kingdom in those days. Only 7 kings from Judah, did more or less, follow Gods instruction. The firstborn, in the family, was always considered to be the heir, but there were times, where God choose differently. Therefor the right of the firstborn can be transferred according to the will of God. This may be true even today, because God does not change his mind.
1 Chronicles chapter 4: 9-10: Jabez means excruciating pain. His mother suffered a lot during birth, she therefor gave him the name Jabez which means torment. Jabez was aware of the meaning of his name and prayed to God to deliver him from all evil. God heard his prayer and blessed him so much, that he became a respected and prosperous man. The waist majorities of the kings fell for one or another reason.
God respect our free will and hear our prayers and he gives us wisdom to avoid evil, if we let him guide us through our life.
1 Chronicles chapter 5: Jacob prophesied about his sons in
Genesis chapter 49. Rueben the firstborn dishonored his father by having an affaire with one of his wives.
The firstborn right was therefore passed on to Judah, who became Israel’s most powerful and influential tribe.
Proverbs chapter 8 verse 12: Wisdom can judge what is prudent with insight. He who obeys the Lord hates evil. It is from the tribe of Judah, the ruler for eternity Jesus Christ came into the world.
1 Chronicles chapter 10. Not much is mentioned about king Saul in spite of his 40 years reign. He did not always follow Gods instructions, even so he had several changes to consider his attitude.
1 Chronicles chapter 10: verse 13 -14: Saul died in war together with his sons, because he consulted a spirit about the outcome of the war, instead asking advise from the Lord. David was thereafter chosen as king in Israel.
1 Chronicles chapter 10: verse 13 – 14. God warned the people against the heathen people again and again:
You shall not sacrifice your children to idols nor practice divination or sorcery of any art.
The Lord looks with disgust on anyone who practices such things.
For this reason God drove the nations out of the land and gave it to you.
1 Chronicles chapter 11: Most of the chapter is about the life of David.
1 Chronicles chapter 12: Davids first warriors came to him, while he was hiding in the cave Adullam in Hebron, because of Saul who sought his life. They where great warriors and able to handle weapons, but for one or another reason had gone astray in life. At the end David had 400 men, they became known as Israels mighty men and they stood by him in many of the wars, he had to fight against the surrounding countries.
God often lays the foundation, in the most difficult time in our life, for what he wants to establish, in order to strengthen us for the future ahead and make us able to overcome adversaries.
1 Chronicles chapter 15: David desired to build a temple for the Arch to the Lord and a palace for himself, after he became king.
God sent the prophet Nathan to tell David, that because he had shed to much blood, his son was instead chosen for this task.
The Arch was brought to Jerusalem with great procession, music and songs and placed in Jerusalem, which also then was called the city of David.
After the Arch was placed in Jerusalem, God blessed David with a new covenant. The Lord promised him, that one of his sons always would sit on the throne.
Jesus Christ came from the line of David and he will be the last king in the eternal Jerusalem. He therefore need to come back at the end of time as promised in the scripture.
1 Chronicles chapter 21: Davids Census. Without asking the Lord, David commanded a census to be done throughout the land.
The prophet Gad was sent to David with a message and with a choice between 3 punishments, 3 years of famine, 3 months of fight from the enemy or 3 days of a plague. David chooses the last punishment – with the result that 70,000 innocent people died. It was very hard for David to accept the judgment.
In verse 17 – David prays: Lord my God – please destroy me and my family, but do not destroy your own people.
An angel was sent to the prophet Gad with a message from the Lord.
David was to build an altar to the lord on the threshing floor on Oman the Jebusite. Davis bought the place for 600 shekels. It was on the same site, that the Lord later on commanded Solomon to build the temple for the Arch of the covenant. It is also the place, where God tested Abraham by commanding him to offer up Isaac.
The place were God choose to meet with the people, became a place where people confessed their sins and gave God all the glory.
Exodus chapter 30: verse 11 – 15. When you take census of the children of Israel for their number, then every man shall give for himself half a shekel, it shall be an offering to the lord, otherwise a plague will come upon the people.
After suffering greatly David learnt to follow the Lords advise.
The incident David had with the woman Bathsheba, the mother to Solomon, is not mentioned in the 1 Chronicles. What God has forgiven he will remember no more.
Moses guided the people out of Egypt and received the covenant and the Arch. The pillar of fire, which followed them until they entered the Promised Land, represents the spirit of God. Every time Moses and Aaron meet with God in the tent, where the Arch was placed, the glory of the Lord appeared over the tent. The people knew, they were talking to the Lord and waited in awe outside the tent.
David conquered and founded Israel; he also brought the Arch to Jerusalem.
Solomon, the son of David, recognized that God was so powerful, that the temple could not contain him, but that it represented his throne on earth and that the Arch and the temple represent Gods covenant with the people of Israel.
After the crucifixion of Jesus, the spirit of God or the spirit of Jesus, it is the same spirit, has been freely given to us by accepting Jesus into our life. It was Gods plan from the beginning to save mankind in this way.
Revelation chapter 3 verse 20: Behold I stand at the door and knock, I will come in and fellowship with the one who opens the door and hears my voice. The one who overcome, I will grant to sit with me on my throne, just as I also overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
2 Chronicles: Chapter 7 – verse 13: After Salomon had dedicated the temple, fire came dawn from heaven and consumed the offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the temple, so that the priest could not enter because of the glory. They bowed to the ground and praised the lord: He is good, his mercy endures forever.
God appeared to Salomon in the nighttime, after he had dedicated the temple.
Verse 14 – if I close the sky, so that it does not rain and an epidemic breaks out among you, if you then turn to me and confess your sins, then I will hear from heaven and heal the land.
I have chosen and consecrated this place forever. My eyes is upon it, because it is where my heart is.
Exodus chapter 20 onwards: Moses received the covenant with many commandments and builds the Arch according to Gods instruction.
1 Samuel chapter 1: The Tabernacle is in Shiloh.
1 Samuel chapter 5: The Arch is taken by the Philistines .
1 Samuel chapter 6: The Arch is sent back by the Philistines.
1 Samuel chapter 7: The Arch stayed with Abinadab for 20 years.
2 Samuel Chapter 6: David brings the Arch back and places it in a tent.
2 Samuel chapter 15: David builds a new Tabernacle for the Arch.
God make preparation for his son and for the Holy Spirit to be given to all men in the world. The Holy Spirit, which Jesus sent to us, is a prophetic spirit. It is the same Holy Spirit, which rested on the covenant, during the time the covenant was with them and it is the same Holy Spirit that was poured out on Pentecost.
2 Chronicles chapter 3: King Salomon begins to build the temple on Mount Moriah. The same place where Abraham was told to offer Isaac as a test of obedience. It is also the exact same place, David bought from the Jebusite Omans for 600 shekel.
Salomon completed, what David began and according to the preparations that David made.
2 chronicles chapter 6: Verse 6 – 12. Ever since the day my people left Egypt, I have not designate any city in Israel as the home of my temple, where people can worship me, but today I designate Jerusalem as the home of my temple and I appoint David as the king.
The Old Testament climax was made, when Salomon brought the Arch of the covenant into the temple.
Deuteronomy Chapter 12: David and Salomon fulfilled the word of God, so that worship and sacrifice could be practiced in the right chosen place, in preparation for Gods greatest sacrifice for mankind Jesus Christ, Gods son.
Exodus chapter 12: Passover is instituted. God spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying:
This month shall be the beginning of all month. God actually installed a new calendar, beginning with the offering of a lamb. A lamb that would set the world free of sin and death. Could the same date also be the day Jesus Christ was born? It was for that reason Christ came into the world.
Tell the people to choose a lamb, a male without blemish. On the 14 day you shall kill it at twilight, roast it on fire and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Whatever is left, you shall burn with fire. Eat it with a belt on your waist and sandals on your feet; it will be the day of your departure from Egypt. The blood from the lamb is to be put over the doorpost, as a reminder to the angel of death to pass by, as the firstborn to the Egyptians are slain.
Today we celebrate Passover in remembrance of the sacrifice on the cross. Jesus Christ willingly offered himself to free us from slavery and to offer us eternal life. Therefor he said, on the last day before the crucifixion, as he broke the bread and passed the win around: This is my body eat it and this is my blood drink it, for the forgiveness of sin.
The temple, the Arch and the covenant of the 10 commandments became a witness for Gods forgiveness and mercy to all mankind, because Christ himself became the offer lamb.
2 Chronicles chapter 5: Salomon calls for all Israels tribal leaders to come together to witness the placing of the Arch in the holiest of the holy. The place, were the priest entered only once a year, became the same place, where Jesus entered after the crucifixion and where the curtain was torn in two, so that every one had a access to the glory of God from that time onward.
There are two different Testaments and Covenants. The last Covenant came, because the first was not good enough. Jesus Christ died for all transgression and gave us the Covenant of forgiveness, so that all may be called the children of God.
Acts chapter 2 vers17: Peter declarer: In the last days, says the Lord, will I poor out of my Spirit on all mankind.
Galatians chapter 3 verse 19: The law was valid, until Christ came with a new and better Testament. The Good News was first to be preached into the whole world, before the second coming of the Lord.
Israel was and still is blinded today, but their eyes will be opened, the day Christ returns to Jerusalem the second time.
If a Jew understands the salvation trough Christ, he to is saved, but the waist majority still holds on to their traditions.
Revelation 20 and 21: The whole world will recognize God as Lord over all, when Jesus Christ returns the second time.
2 Chronicles chapter 9 verse 22: Salomon became the wisest and the wealthiest king on earth. From all over the world kings and nobles sought an audience with him to share in his God given Wisdom. Year after year they brought him gifts such as gold, silver, costly garments, myrrh, spices, horses and mules.
Scripture confirms Salomons riches and wealth but also his downfall.
He reigned for 40 years. In the beginning he followed God, but he later on became too preoccupied with his kingship and many wifes. He began to overlook the most important part in life to study the commandments and follow them. Because of his many foreign wifes, he also allowed offerings to other gods. He eventually suffered from depression. The book Ecclesiastes, is believed to be written by him in the later part of his life. It begins with: Life is meaningless and ends with God will judge all our actions good and bad even the hidden motives.
Life becomes meaningless in the long run, because God is supposed to be the center of our life. If we make ourselves the center, then God is not involved in our life and it becomes meaningless.
2 Chronicles chapter 17: Jehoshaphat, the son of Salomon, became king after Salomon. He walked in the way of king David, therefore the lord was with him. It so happen, that he made an alliance with king Ahab of Israel because his son married his daughter. Together the two kings planned war against Syria.
We see how a war is played out between good and evil, by the human race.
2 Chronicles chapter 18 verse 4: King Jehoshaphat of Judah said to king Ahab: Please inquire of the Lord about the outcome of the war. The 400 pagan prophets to Ahab began to prophesy and they said: Go, for the Lord is with you, he will deliver Syria into your hand.
Verse 6: King Jehoshaphat asked: Is there not another prophet of the lord here, so that we may also inquire of him? The king of Israel answered: There is, but I hate him, because he newer prophesies well concerning me. Jehoshaphat said: Let not the king say such a thing, a mild rebuke from king Jehoshaphat. Both of them knew the thought of the other one and that they did not serve the same God.
It was an attempt to neutralize belief for the sake of a union between their children.
Verse 18: Then Micha was also called and he prophesied: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and the host of heaven was gathered around him. The lord said: Who will lure Ahab into a trap, so that he dies in Ramoth Gilead? An angel stepped forward and said: I will turn myself into a lying spirit in the mouth of his prophets. The lord replied: It is a cunning plan, go head.
King Ahab nevertheless went to war against Syria with king Jehoshaphat despite the warning from the prophet Micha.
Verse 29: King Ahab devised a cunning plan, he put on plain armor. King Jehoshaphat, on the other hand, kept his royal armor on. Jehoshaphat survived, because the Syrian king had given order to hit only Ahab. He was wounded accidently and died.
May-be Ahab was too proud to admit that his 400 prophets could be wrong. The relationship with the son to Jehoshaphat became a snare too him. The king of Judah should have realized, that he cannot associate with wicked leaders. If we want Gods best in life, then our life must also be pure without any compromises.
Chapter 21 and 22: Confirm, how within the family, they kill each other. It was just before the line of David was extinguished.
Chapter 23: Joash, who was from the line of David, became king at the age of 7. He was kept hidden in the temple under the supervision of the priest and cared for by his uncle and a nurse, until he became king.
Queen Atalja ruled at that time, she was related to the evil queen Jezebel who was married to king Ahab of Israel. She was killed outside the temple, the day the priests made Joash king of Judah, on the commandment of the high priest.
2 Chronicles chapter 24 verse 12: The high priest and the king became now the ruler of the land. The king depended on the priest Jehoiada and the top leaders, because of his young age, until Jehoiada, the priest, died at the age of 130 years.
2 King chapter 13 verse 17: The prophet Elisha was resting on the bed ready to depart from life, as king Joash visited him. Elisha ordered him to take the bow and shoot some arrows from the open window to the east. Elisha prophesied: It was the Lords victory over Syria. Again Elisha commands: Strike the arrow into the ground. The king did so 3 times. Elisha became very angry and said: You should have struck 5 or 6 times, now You will vin 3 times over Syria but not definitively.
King Joash was tested and failed, causing Elisha to be angry. Also the king himself became angry with the prophet on his deathbed. King Joash did respect God, but he may have had a weak personality. The prophet therefore used the bow and the arrow to show the king his strength in time of war.
Although king Joash in many ways was a good king, he did not understood to lead and to overcome conspiracy against himself.
2 Chronicles chapter 24 verse 7: The temple became renovated and restored and the regular sacrifices were again restored in the time of the reign of king Joash. During the time the high priest Jehoida lived, there was peace in the land. After his death, the leader of Judah persuaded king Joashs to abandon the temple of their ancestral God and worship idols instead.
Verse 20: Zachariah, the son to the priest Jehoidah, called the people together and from the platform he was standing on, shouted.
The lord says: Why are you bringing calamity on your self by turning away from me, he concludes, therefor the Lord also turns away from you.
Verse 21: The leaders then conspired together, to have Zachariah executed. Zachariahs last words were, before he died, Lord punish them for this crime.
Verse 23: A few months later a small Syrian army struck and captured Judah and Jerusalem.
King Joash was assassinated in his bed by his own officials.
It is very clear from the many testimonies in the books of Chronicles, that God protected the people in Israel, as long they kept the commandments. When they turned aside and worshipped other, so called gods, God also turned away and the enemy conquered them.
2 Chronicles chapter 25: Amaziah, the son to Joash, became thereafter king. He executed the servants, who had murdered his father king Joash, as soon he was established in the kingdom. He did not execute their children, because of what the law said in the book of Moses.
The fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall the children be put to death for their fathers.
Verse 9: King Amaziah also listened to the prophets advice and sent 100,000 mercenaries back to Edom in spite of the 3,5 talents of silver he had paid them to help fight against Ephraim. The prophet said consolingly to the king: The Lord can pay you much more back.
Amaziah triumphed superiorly, but it made him haughty, because he did not understood, that it was the Lord who had given him the victory. He thought it was the Edomite gods. He even takes them home and starts to bow down to them.
Because Amaziah forsook God the Almighty, he lost the battle with King Joash of Israel (not king Joash of Judah) The king of Israel plundered the temple in Jerusalem and together with hostages he returned to Samaria. Amaziah continued to live 15 years in Jerusalem, then a conspiracy was made against him and he was killed.
Chapter 26. After Amaziah other kings reigned for a period of times.
The son to Amaziah Uzziah was 16 years old when he became king. He reigned 52 years in Jerusalem and was victorious over the Philistines, the Arabians and the Ammonites.
Verse 16; When he became strong, his heart was lifted op to his destruction. He transgressed against the Lord and burned incense on the altar. The priests withstood him and while he was angry with the priests, leprosy broke out on his forehead. Until his death he lived isolated in a house.
He was not supposed to burn incense on the altar, because only the priest was allowed to do so.
2 Chronicles 26: After Amaziah followed his son Ussiah. The Lord was with him, as long he sought God, he prospered in all things. The Lord made him victorious against the Philistines the Arabians and against the Ammonites.
Verse 16: When he became strong, he heart was lifted up and he transgressed against the Lord by entering the temple to burn incense. The priest Azariah withstood him together with eighty other priests. As this was happening, leprosy broke out on his forehead and to the end of his life, the king lived in an isolated house as a leper.
2 Chronicles chapter 27: The son to Uzziah, Jotham was 25 years old when he became king. He followed the lord, but still the people acted corruptly.
Verse 2: King Jotham did not enter the temple of the Lord. He learned a lesson from his father not to interfere with the priestly ceremony.
Verse 3 – 4: King Jotham renovated:
The upper gate of the temple.
Much of the wall Opel.
Cities in the mountain of Judah.
Fortresses and towers in the forest.
He fought against the Ammonites who had rebelled against king Uzziah his father. He became victorious and the Ammonites therefore in turn paid tribute to king Jotham in the 2 and 3 year making him wealthy and mighty. He reigned 16 years in Jerusalem and was buried with his father.
2 Chronicles chapter 28: Ahaz was 20 years old when he became king after his father Jotham. He reigned 16 years in Jerusalem and he did not do what was right in the sight of the lord as his father David had done. He walked in the ways as the all tribes in Israel had done.
Therefore trouble in his life time where many, they newer learned their lesson from past generations.
He made molten images for the god Baal.
Burned incense in the valley of the son of Hinnom.
Burned his children in the fire to the god Molech.
He sacrificed and burned incense on high places
on the hills and under every green tree.
Verse 5: Therefor judgment came upon him. The Lord delivered him into the hand of the king of Assyria. They defeated him and a great multitude of captives was brought to Damascus. He also got defeated, by the king of Israel, in a great slaughter, 200.000 woman and children was carried away to Samaria.
A prophet named Oded went before the army that came from Samaria and said to them: The Lord was angry with Judah and he delivered them into your hand, but you have killed them in a rage that reaches op to heaven. Now you propose the captives to be your slaves, but are you not also guilty before the Lord your God? Hear me and return the captives, that the fierce wrath of the Lord does not come upon you. A very vise advise also for today.
Verse 15: Then they toke the captives clothed them from the spoil and gave them food and drinks and donkeys for the feeble and sent them back to Jericho. Then they returned to Samaria.
2 Chronicles chapter 29- 3: King Hezekiah had the best revival after Solomon. He was a good king, because he humbled himself before the Lord.
Verse 3: As soon he became king, he reopened the temple,
verse 10: He decided to make a covenant with the Lord God of Israel, so that his anger would not be against the people.
We also make a covenant with the Lord God, when we surrender our life to him.
2 Chronicles chapter 30 verse 26: In Jerusalem they had not experienced an Easter festival like that since the time of king Solomon.
2 Chronicles chapter 31 -2: King Hezekiah assigned priests and Levites to serve in the temple, he obeyed God in all things.
We also begin to obey God in all things after conversion.
Chronicles chapter 32 – 7: The Assyrian king announced, that he was preparing to attack.
Verse 22 – 22: King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah cried out to the Lord. The Lord cut down all enemies from every side.
Verse 23: Many brought therefor gift to the temple in Jerusalem and present to King Hezekiah of Judah making him great in the sight of all the countries around.
Pilgrimage to Jerusalem will be introduced again, when Jesus has established his kingdom at his second coming.
Verse 24 – 26: The fame King Hezekiah got after his victory made him proud and he did not show enough fear and honor to the Lord. Therefor he Lord with draw his protection to see what was hidden in his heart and Hezekiah became seek. It made him humble himself before the Lord and the lord healed him.
We are all tested at some point in our lifetime, because God want to se what is hidden in our heart. Life is not about work only but how much we fear the Lord. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.
2 Chronicles chapter 33: Manasseh, son to Hezekiah followed, he reigned for 25 years. At first he did evil in the sight of the Lord repeating all the sins of his forefather. At some point in life he repented and humbled himself and the lord forgave him. So he was buried and rested with his fathers and his son Josiah became king.
Verse 21: Josiah was a child of only 8 years of age, when he became king. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, as his father David had done. He started to seek God at an early age and in the 12 year of his reign, when he was 20 years old, he started to remove the images and alters of foreign gods everywhere in Judah.
Verse 8: In the 18 year of his reign, after the land and the temple had been cleansed, money was collected and given to Hilkiah the high priest to restore the temple. During the restoration the high priest found the book of the Law of Moses.
Verse 18: The book was brought to the king and read by the scribe Shaphan. King Josiah became extremely convicted and tore his cloths, because he realized, that Judah and Israel had greatly sinned by not keeping the law according to the book of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.
Verse 22: The prophetess Huldah was asked to inquire from the lord concerning the matter. God is always forgiving, when we repent. Because you have wept and tore your cloth and humbled yourself, I have heard you, says the Lord. God promised Josiah, that the calamity would not happen in his time and that he would be gathered to his fathers in peace, such was the answer from God through the prophetess.
God blesses from above, therefor it is very important how a leadership in a country is. A leader can turn a situation completely around with the wisdom from above, that also complies for today.
Verse 29 – 31: King Josiah gathered the leaders of Judah together with the Levites and the priest. He then stood by the pillar in the temple and read aloud from the Law of Moses. He promised always to obey and serve the Lord and to follow the precept of the book. There was therefor peace in Israel, as long King Josiah lived because the people served God.
2 Chronicles chapter 35 verse 18: In the 18 year of the reign Josiah, a Passover was prepared and made in such a manner, that it had not been seen since the days of the prophet Samuel. Josiah spent, from his possession, 30000 of lambs and goats and 3000 cattle.
Verse 20: King Nechos from Egypt came up to fight against him in Carchemish by the Euphrates. Josiah went out against him without asking the lords advise. It became his downfall, he died in battle.
It is the Lord that fights for Israel, therefor the victory also belongs to the Lord and not to man. That always became the downfall for the kings in Israel.
2 Chronicles chapter 36: Then the people toke Jehoahaz son of Josiah and made him king. The king of Egypt still had the upper hand and he took the brother to the king Eliakim, changed his name to Jehoiakim and made him king instead of Jehoahaz, who was carried of to Egypt. Jehoiakim reigned 11 years in Jerusalem and did evil in the sight of the Lord. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up against him, bound him in fetters and carried him and the articles of the house of the Lord to Babylon.
Verse 11: Zedekiah brother to Jehoiakim became the last king in Judah, he reigned 11 years in Jerusalem. He did evil in the sight of the Lord and did not humble himself before the prophet Jeremiah. Therefor all the leaders and the priests transgressed defiling the house of the Lord.
The destruction of Jerusalem verse 21: Thus the prophesy of Jeremiah in chapter 25 verse 8 – 12 came through which said that, the land would lay desolate for 70 years.
The people did not respect the commandments given to Moses regarding the keeping of the Sabbath.
Every 7 year the land should rest, sowing and harvesting were not allowed. The lord would provide enough for the Sabbath year.
When God created the world, he rested on the 7 day, therefor the people should also rest every 7 day and every 7 years.
Jesus Christ came with a new Covenant, because the first was not good enough. He also paid the price for the sin of the world and sent us the Holy Spirit after his resurrection. For a believer the Arch and the temple is therefor not relevant today.
Book of Daniel chapter 8 verse 23: Towards the end of those kingdoms ( here we are involved ) an ambitious ruler, who is an expert in political entanglement, will step forward. His power will be great and destructive, but not of himself. Wherever he turns, he succeeds in destroying his enemies, no matter how powerful they are. His plan is basically to destroy the people of God. His self-confidence is so great, that he will not shrink back to go against the Prince of Peace. That will be his downfall.
Chapter 9 verse 24: The vision of Daniel:
7 weeks was required to build and restore Jerusalem after their captivity of 70 years.
62 weeks from the rebuilding of Jerusalem to the crucifixion of Messiah the Christ, a period of 483 years.
Mathew 24: 15 – 31. 1 week of 7 years is given to antichrist.
The Word well planted produces strong believer with the power of God. It becomes a bright strong wind that radiates into the soul. Besides we are dark and desolate and occupied with the distress of the world. It is the light that gives life and joy and a seat in eternity. This light came into the world, but few toke it to heart. It was the light that hang on the crossroad, pawing the way. The light ask you to receive him who came to earth.