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We are a Swiss Danish family who lived 33 years abroad in Ethiopia, India and Singapore. We came back to Switzerland in the year 2000, when we retired. Our oldest son, born in Denmark, tragically got a brain injury during delivery in the hospital and was severely disabled all his life. He went home to…
Ich war gerade 25 Jahre alt geworden, als ich mich entschloss, meinem langjährigen Freund Fritz nach Äthiopien zu folgen. Wie war ich doch glücklich und froh, als der Tag kam, an dem Fritz mit mir den Mittelgang der kleinen modernen lutherischen Kirche in Addis Abeba entlang schritt. Wir kannten uns schon seit fünf Jahren und…
We arrived at the train station in Kölliken, on a late afternoon with Fritzli on the arm and two suitcases, and walked the short distance to the restaurant, together with Frits sister Doris. Back in civilized Switzerland our first priority was to give Fritzli a medical cheek up. An afterwards conversation with the chief doctor…
We came to live in a house in Nizamuddin, a neighborhood populated primarily by Sadhachis. The women’s in their beautiful colorful saris or pantaloons with matching blouses and shawls looked very exotic, and so did the orthodox Hindu men with turbans in corresponding color to their clothing. The owner of the house, a Sadhadchi family,…
The trip to Singapore lasted 16 hours, due to a stop over in between. I was glad that the kids slept in the plane, it gave us a chance to rest during the flight, and when Fritz was there, it was so much easier to handle the children. What was God plan for us? The…
Singapore 2. Silvia had begun her education in Switzerland; we all missed her a lot. Still to day I am not to sure, if she was not to young for that decision, even so she managed well. She came to share room, with a girl who kindly invited her home on weekends, as often as she…
The Creation. The best-proven definition and explanation of the beginning is the bible. God is the beginning of creation and it cannot be proven that he does not exist. The earth already existed, when God planned the human race. It was covered with water and everything was a chaotic mass. God put everything in order…
Moses and numbers in the Bible. The Revelation Chapter 1 verse 8. I am Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, he who is, who was and who is to come the Almighty. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and begins with the letter Alpha and ends with the 22nd letter Omega. Each letter…
Book of Number. Chapter 1 – Number of all armed men over 20 years of age. Israel’s first census. Later on the birth of Jesus was linked to the census. It is therefore understandable that God does not like King David’s idea of introducing a census for warfare. God himself should have instituted that rule.…
Genesis 3 – 15: It began after Adam and Eve sinned. God said to the serpent: I put enmity between you and the woman. Her sperm will crush your head and you will bite her heel. Isaiah 42, 5 – 8: The lord God, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread fort…
Nehemiah Nehemiah – he’s work would earn a price today. Nehemiah was an official serving the Persians King Artaxerxes about 430 years before Christ was born during the time Ester was the quinn, the time coincidend with Ezra’s second visit to Jerusalem. Nehemiah understood how to successfully, combine practical work with prayer. He was also…
The book of Ester Gods name is not mentioned in the book of Ester, but the book hide a very important message, concerning the Jewish nation and the church. When Jesus walked on earth, he would teach people the word by using typology. He would say: The kingdom of God is like – and so on. Typology…
Malachi – My messenger. It is suggested, that Malaci may have been written in the second period of Nehemiahs term as governor, according to given historical timing. At that point the Jewish people had started to move back to Israel, after their exiles in the Babylonian empire. Prophets like Haggai and Zechariah had prophesied their…
The mystery of suffering and mans destiny on earth. Job Job lived in the time of the old patriarchs. The time is not exactly known, but properly between the time of Noah and Abraham, before the law was given to Moses. People lived longer in ancient time, thus making it easier to pas down knowledge…
End time in the book of Zachariah. End times – in the book of Zachariah, who was a great encourager for the people in Judea and Israel, after 70 years in excel in the Babylonian Empire. Time has become like a melting pot, and it is also very short. Do you dare to search for…
Ezekiel means God is strong. Then they will know that I am the Lord – occurs 65 times in Ezekiel. The last chapter in Ezekiel ends with the Lord is here, ushering us in to the millennium. Ezekiel knew that God was strong. He also knew that a lot of things was wrong. For…
The book of Isaiah. Isaiah is the longest living prophet, he outlived 4 kings. His name means: God is my salvation. Holiness to the Lord occurs 14 times in the first section and 12 times in the second section. Who can understand the mind of God – is a key. The law is fulfilled in the New…
Rut. Rut is a book, which shows the gentile church integration into the covenant of God, and Gods move in the last of last days. The book ends with a marriage – the last great move in history – the marriage to the king of kings. There are only 2 books in the bible named after…
Proverbs. Transformation. A word a day on my way, blessed be the Lord I only can say. Prosperity and health belongs to me, I am able to give and receive. Eternal life is my final destiny, Christ was born he gave himself for me. To know wisdom and instruction – to discern and understand. Proverbs…
Rise and fall of kingdoms in history – The Book of Daniel. The book of Daniel is an astonishing account of Gods plan for the nations throughout history. Any attempt to prove the book is a fiction proved wrong. Daniel is the author of the highly accurate prophetic book. It shows Gods plan for Israel,…
Jonah and the wale. Jonah. Jonah were swallowed by a big whale, because he did not follow the God given call. On the seashore again he landed, and walked to Nineveh as God demanded. For one day he preached dome and death, obedient as he from God was lead. Under a shelter he thereafter rested,…
Micha Ordained from the days of old. Micha walked barefoot and nacked around, to demonstrate what the Almigthy announced, my people repent and turn away, for the sins you have done by going astray. The prophet Micah – his name means who is like the Lord. He prophesied sometime between 750 – 685. BC. Isaiah,…
The battle of births-right in the Middle East. The book of Amos is also a book of wows. Amos was Gods spokesman for social justice and righteousness. His call was to bring people to repentance. I like to raise the question, as to why should we study the Old Testament books of the bible? Pearls…
Habakkuk There will come a day, even so it semms to delay, when good will win, over injustice and sin. That day will continue for ever more, forgotten will be poverty seekness and war. Habakkuk lived in Judah towards the end of king Joshua’s reign or the beginning of Jehoiakims reign, 640 – 598 BC.…
The last days by Zephaniah. Also refers to todays last days – and the day of the Lord – the end time. The Lords hand can clearly be seen then as today. It should be a signal to mankind about, who is in control of time and our destiny. Life keeps repeating itself, just in…
The third world war – by Joel. Joel is one of the minor 12 prophets, and is considered to be a prophet of the early days of Israel. The text itself is hard to understand, because it covers a period of several centuries. The main subject is the final day of the Lord. Joel chapter…
Hosea lived in the eight century in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezikiah. He must have prophesied at least for 38 years, thought almost nothing written is known about him. He was the only prophet to come from the northern kingdom Israel, and his prophesy is primarily directed to that kingdom. The southern…
Obadiah – End-time church. The Holy Spirit preserved the vision of Hosea for the end-time church. See Genesis chapter 24 onwards for the background of the book. Edom, next to Israel, todays Jordan, started of as a brother. Isaac, son of Abraham married Rebekah. She gave birth to tweens Jacob and Esau. Jacob, later named Israel,…
Jeremiah. The book of Jeremiah is explained according to the unfolding of the chapters, for the purpose of unveiling Gods dealing with the people, after the law given to Moses, by which they were instructed to follow. The Mosaic Law became a universal law, were after God eventually will judge Israel as well as the…
Haggai the prophet. Haggai- means festal, which indicate that he could have been born during one of the important Jewish feast. The book has only two chapters and is one of the shortest books in the bible. Recorded known ministry of Haggai is only tree month, but it could have last longer than that. He…
Jesus called out of Egypt. Hosea 11, 1: When Israel was a youth, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. Matthew 2, 14 – 15: Josef got up took the child and his Mother, while it still was night and left for Egypt. Testimony of Jesus. Isaiah 35, 4 – 6: Say to those…
Nahum – a book of judgment on Israel’s enemy. Nahum lived in the time of Isaiah and Ezekiel. The book have only 3 important chapters, but cover a lot of history between the lines, regarding God shaping of Israel’s past as well as the future. Approximately 150 years after Jonah prophesied destruction over Nineveh, judgment…
Lamentation shows the Heart of God. Jeremiah is ascribed to be the author. It was written shortly after Jerusalem was destroyed. It is the only book that consists solely of laments. Other books like the book of Psalms have part of it. The entire book is poetic. Each of the five laments contains 22 verses…
As when man had newer fallen from grace. Psalm 98 – 9: The Lord is coming to judge the earth with righteousness. He shall judge the earth and the people with equity. Psalm 45 – 6: Your throne O God is forever and forever, a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom. Psalm 72 – 8: He…
Hebrew: Sepher Tehillim. ( Book of Praises. ) The Psalms circles around major events and contain all the color of the human soul, much more than other books. They bring fort the Pentateuch of the 5 books of Moses in a poetical way, where as Moses wrote in a political way. The books of Psalms correspond…
Song of Solomo. The balance of spirit soul and body. A poem of relationship – a conversation between Christ and the bride, the church. Ephesians chapter 5 verse 23:For the husband is the head of the wife as also Christ is the head of the church. SS.chapter 1. 9-10: Shepherd – I have compared you…
Ezra the second temple. Jeremiah chapter 15 verse 11: Israel will serve the king of Babylon 70 years. We can thank Ezra for the division of the historical books as well as first and second Chronicles together with the book Ezra. In his time the temple was restored and the law taught. Salomon build the…
Romans chapter 1 verse 9-15. Paul wished sincerely, that he could preach the gospel in Rom also, but he newer had a real chance to do so. The book was written, during his one and half a year stay in Corinth, were he was teaching and preaching the word of God. Luther, who brought Reform…
Elijah and Elisha – the prophetic. Elijah was called to warn the king regarding worship of idols and ignoring Gods commandment. God was always merciful, if they confessed their sins and they always got another chance. His mouthpiece was the prophet who warned the people and shoved the way. The book of kings confirm over…
God draws a common tread throughout the bible, that tread is his son Jesus Christ. We hear about him in the Garden of Eden, where God promises the devil, that he will send someone to crush his head. In the last part of the book Revelation we are told, that the devil will not interfere…
There are significant important truths in the book of Leviticus, which symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus and explain, why we celebrate the different feast commanded in Leviticus. The commandments were given to Moses on mount Sinai, so that he could pass them on to the people. God thereby drove a pattern, for his son to…
Revelation is a prophetic book about the last hour. There are many books written about Christ second coming, but all doctrines must harmonize with scripture. The word is always the final authority for perfecting the church and therefor scripture must not contradict its other. Matthew chapter 24 verse 3: Sitting on the mount of Olive the…
1 Chronicles chapter 1 – 9: Israel was divided, after the death of king Salomon, into the northern and southern kingdom because king Salomon disobeyed God in the later part of his life. The kingdom of Judah continued in the line of David, as God had promised him, but it was often at war with…
Babel means confusion. In the beginning only one language was spoken. When people wanted to build a tower that reached to heaven, demonstrating standing together, God decided to distribute different language to prevent evil plans to dominate on earth. Result of the confusion still goes on today. Nations are fighting about dominion, religion, land…